F&S will be conducting a PARTIAL ELECTRICAL OUTAGE affecting all CLSL buildings on Tuesday, December 21st from 6:00AM to 12:00PM(Noon). This outage is needed to replace GFCI relays in the disconnect switches that feed MCCs in CLSL. The only effects of the outage that will be noticed in CLSL-A is that the domestic and lab water pressure will be reduced and the chilled water for the cold rooms will be shut down. F&S Refrigeration will be switching the condenser water supply from chilled water to potable water during the outage. The expectation is that this will allow the cold rooms to remain at their current temperatures but it was noted that the water pressure from the potable water may not be high enough to allow this on the upper floors of the building. As a precaution, it would be prudent to have alternative storage locations planned for any materials that would be particularly affected by temperature increases. Further information about this outage is listed below:
Approved Outage Details:
Outage Request Number: 58060
Outage Time : 2021/12/21 06:00 until 2021/12/21 12:00
Building Sections affected : All of Building A.
Building Services affected : Domestic and Lab water pressure and Condenser water for the environmental rooms will be down.
Building Occupants Effect : Domestic water and Lab water pressure Low.
Comments : I will have the refrigeration shop switch the condenser water for the environmental rooms to potable water as the chilled water for the condenser cooling will be down. Contact: Todd Nicholas 244-6681
Reason : High Voltage Maintenance will be replacing 3 GFCI relays in 3 main disconnect switches that feed MCC-1, MCC-2, and MCC-3.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email the SCS Facilities and Safety team at scs-facilities@mx.uillinois.edu. This information will also be available for viewing on the SCS Building Outages/Important Notices blog: www.scsbuildingoutages.blogspot.com.
Safety/Environmental Compliance Specialist– School of Chemical Sciences
94 Roger Adams Lab
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