F&S is conducting a GAS OUTAGE affecting South RAL on Tuesday, September 20th from 8:00AM to 12:00PM(Noon). The following rooms are affected by this outage:
- 33-79
- 129-179
- 233-279
- 333-379
- 433-479
The outage is needed for Ameren to install a safety device on the service line that was damaged last week. During the outage, there will be no natural gas available in South RAL. Further details about the outage are listed below:
Approved Outage Details:
Outage Request Number: 66654
Outage Time : 2022/09/20 08:00 until 2022/09/20 12:00
Outage Type : GAS
Building Sections affected : South Bldg
Building Services affected : Nat Gas
Building Occupants Effect : No use of natural gas
Associated Project Manager. : Ameren Tyler Potter 217-778-4123
Comments : null
Reason : Ameren is finalizing repairs to install safety feature on reg station where truck backed into the service line.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email the SCS Facilities and Safety team at scs-facilities@mx.uillinois.edu. This information will also be available for viewing on the SCS Building Outages/Important Notices blog: www.scsbuildingoutages.blogspot.com.
Safety/Environmental Compliance Coordinator– School of Chemical Sciences
94 Roger Adams Lab