Wednesday, May 15, 2019


CORRECTION:  These spaces are on the WEST side, not the east side as indicated in the email.  However, the east side will lose 50% makeup air during this outage as well.  The hoods on the east side WILL be functional, however, please open lab doors if you choose to use those hoods during the outage.
To All:
F & S will be conducting an EMERGENCY VENTILATION OUTAGE for the Direct Outside Air(DOA) unit on the WEST side of 2nd, 3rd, & 4th floors of South RAL.  There will be 50 % SUPPLY and NO EXHAUST AIR in the affected spaces.  This outage will be done on SATURDAY, MAY 18 from 6:00am to 6:00pm.  This outage is needed because the damaged recovery wheel needs removed from the DOA unit.  The fume hoods will NOT be available for use during this time.  If your lab space is affected(list below), you will need to do the following before the outage date:

  • Clean up any spills in the hood
  • Cap all chemicals and bottles
  • Shut the fume hood doors

If you need a  ssistance with how to properly shut down the hood for the outage, please contact Shane Brownfield, SCS Safety Officer, via email or 217-300-6618.

Details of the outage are below:

Facilities and Services is requesting an outage on
VENTILATION at ROGER ADAMS LABORATORY (0116) from 2019/05/18 06:00 to 2019/05/18 18:00 -
Ventilation Fan No. : DOA-101
Ventilation Area. : See rooms below
Outage ID : 20611
Outage Reason : Damaged Recovery Wheel
Building Sections affected : 236,240,244,248,252,254,256,260,260C,336,340,344,348,352,352B,354,354B,356,360,436,440,444,448,452,452B,454,454B,456,460
Building Services affected : 100% Fume Hood exhaust and 50% of the make-up air for these rooms. Labs east of these will lose 50% of their Make-Up air. Should leave Entry doors open to lab if hoods will be in service.
Building Occupants Effect : 50% loss Make-Up air and NO Exhaust air to Hoods
Comments : null

Danielle Cruzan

School of Chemical Sciences

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
505 S Mathews, 106 Noyes Lab | M/C 712
Urbana, IL 61801
217.300.6582 |


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