To All:
Please remember the following when dealing with a
maintenance/facility issue:
For all NON-EMERGENCY SCS Maintenance
issues DURING BUSINESS HOURS(7:30am-4:30pm), please submit a work order
via Reaction using this link:
PLEASE be as detailed as possible in your description of the
issue. This helps determine which trade/shop to send out for the
you have any questions on how to utilize this, please contact Danielle via
email (
or by phone (217-300-6582).
Examples of maintenance issues
included but are NOT limited to:
faucets and sinks
not working properly(flickering or completely out)
-A/C or
heat issues
-Freezer/Refrigerator Issues
Cleaning(beyond regular mopping/sweeping by BSW’s)
If you happen to notice a MAJOR leak
coming from the ceiling, pipes, etc. that is puddling on the floor and is
flowing at a rapid pace, please call the Service Office at 333-0340 and then
contact Danielle(217-300-6582) or Ron(217-333-1972/217-649-2808) to let us know
ALWAYS remember to lock and secure ALL
doors in your area when leaving for any reason and you are the only person in
there! This is for your own protection as well as the protection of
equipment and research going on in your lab area. Also, when leaving a
room, please remember to shut off all lights as well.
PLEASE assist us in keeping the restrooms
and hallways in ALL buildings as clean as possible. If you see any
cleanliness issues or other maintenance issues that need addressed, please let
us know so we can get it handled as quickly as possible.
If you notice anything suspicious in any of our
facilities, please do not hesitate to report it. Do NOT allow
someone to “piggy back” in a door with you when the facilities are locked and
always be aware of your surroundings. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY
SOMETHING! You can contact UI Public Safety at 217-333-1216 for
non-emergencies or 911 for emergencies.
If you experience a maintenance emergency AFTER
HOURS(4:30pm-7:30am) or on WEEKENDS, you will need to call the
Service Office line at 217-333-0340. When you call the line, you
will reach Public Safety, who will then take the information down and page out
the appropriate F & S trade shop to handle the issue. Emergencies are
as follows:
Issues(overflowing toilets, continuous flushing, etc.)
-Heating/Cooling Issues that are affecting research experiments
-Refrigeration Issues that are affecting research experiments(Freezers, Cold
Rooms, etc.)
**NEW**: There is now an SCS blog up and
running on the main SCS website under Building Maintenance(located on the right
hand side) titled SCS Building Outages/Important Notices. This will be
the centralized spot where all outages and important notices that are sent out
via email will be located as well. The link to the blog is:
or you can click on the link on the SCS website. If you have
any questions, feel free to email Danielle Cruzan.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
hesitate to contact one of us. We are here to ensure all of the SCS
facilities run smoothly but cannot do it without your assistance!
Ron Eggett
Reaction Work Order
Facilities Manager
School of Chemical
Sciences School
of Chemical Sciences
University of Illinois –
University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign
106 Noyes Lab,
166 Noyes Lab, MC-712
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