When you notice something
maintenance wise that needs repair in your labs, offices, hallways, bathrooms,
etc. that is NON-EMERGENCY, ALWAYS put the request in
Reaction via this link:
Please be as detailed as possible in your description of the maintenance
Examples of NON-EMERGENCY work orders include, but
are not limited to, the following and DO NOT require a CFOP:
-Broken hood sashes(glass, tracks, rollers, etc.)
-Leaky faucets & sinks(slow drips not causing safety or
flooding issues)
-Heating/Cooling Issues(if not affecting temperature
sensitive research experiments/equipment)
-Lights or electrical outlets not working properly
-Most carpentry requests(drawers off track, fixing cabinets,
tile replacement, etc.)
Examples of NON-EMERGENCY work orders that DO
require a CFOP include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Stripping/waxing floors or cleaning carpets
-Removal of refrigerators & freezers
-Any repairs related to personal lab equipment(water baths,
chillers, etc)
While the F & S crafts/trades people try to get to your
request as quickly as possible, please know they have a 2-week window to
complete non-emergency repairs. However, they may be backed up on work
orders submitted before yours or need to order parts for your maintenance
repair that may stretch the repair beyond the 2-week timeframe. If nobody
from F & S has responded to your request after the 2 week timeframe, please
let me know so I can follow up and get them there.
Please try to refrain from calling/emailing someone on the
SCS Facilities and Safety Team(Danielle, Ron, Karla, Shane, Chad) with
non-emergency requests as it may be delayed due to someone being out of the
office, in meetings, or otherwise unavailable to check emails or voicemails in
a timely manner. One of us is ALWAYS checking Reaction and will
get to your request as quickly as possible. This also ensures your
request does not get “lost in the shuffle” of emails if you put it in Reaction.
I encourage all lab groups to put this email in a binder or
hung up somewhere so it can be referred to as needed. This information
will also be on the SCS Building Outages/Important Notices blog:
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
School of Chemical Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
505 S Mathews, 106 Noyes Lab | M/C 712
Urbana, IL 61801
217.300.6582 |

Under the Illinois Freedom of Information
Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding
university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.